Question Papers

2. Demographic profile of India — Ethnic and linguistic elements in the Indian population and their distribution. Indian population – factors influencing its structure and growth.

2. Demographic profile of India —

  • Ethnic and linguistic elements in the Indian population and their distribution.
  • Indian population – factors influencing its structure and growth.

Previous Questions:

* Briefly describe the classical model of ethnic and linguistic classifications of Indian population. Discuss its relevance today. (15Marks 2015)

* Outline the distribution of Dravidian languages in India and describe their cultural significance. (15Marks 2014) (S.N – 1990)

* Major linguistic divisions of India (10Marks 2014)

* Contribution of H. H. Risley to the ‘Aryan’ debate (10Marks 2014)

* Describe the linguistic elements in Indian population? (15Marks – 2011)

* Critically examine the factors responsible for the high population growth in India and suggest suitable measures for population Control. (30 + 15 Marks —2010)

* Discuss the relevance of Guha’s racial classification in the context of India’s ethnic groups. (15 Marks — 2010) (S.N – 1991)

* Mediterranean element in Indian Population (S.N – 2008)

* The distribution of Indo-Aryan Languages (S.N – 2008)

* Is Risley’s Racial Classification of Indian Population valied? Critically discuss with the help of suitable examples. (L.Q – 2008)

* Describe Ethnic elements in the Indian Population focusing either on Risley’s or Guha’s classification. (L.Q – 2007)

* Write in brief about the population growth of India, indicating its causes and measures of its control. (L.Q – 2006)

* Demographic transition in India (SN – 2004)

* Bring out the inter relationship between population growth and development in the Indian context. (L.Q – 2004)

* Age specific and sex specific mortality rates and dependant factors. (S.N 2002)

* Discuss the major linguistic divisions in the India population. Also point out the role of language in ethno political movements (S.N – 1996)

* Social implications of sex ratio in Indian population (SN 1995)

* What are the major linguistic families in India? Identify such families showing the geographical distribution and the population Groups under different families. (L.Q – 1993)

* Distribution of Austric family of languages in India. (S.N -1989)


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