Question Papers

3.2 Caste system in India- structure and characteristics, Varna and caste, Theories of origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani system, Tribe- caste continuum.

3.2 Caste system in India-

  • structure and characteristics,
  • Varna and caste,
  • Theories of origin of caste system,
  • Dominant caste,
  • Caste mobility,
  • Future of caste system, Jajmani system, Tribe- caste continuum.

Previous Questions:

* What do you understand by the dynamics of Caste mobility? How did the concept of Sanskritization contribute to its functionality? (20Marks 2015)

* Critically examine the concept of Tribe – Caste continuum and its relevance in contemporary India. (15Marks 2015)

* Define the concept ‘Dominant Caste’ and examine its relevance in the contemporary Indian village with suitable examples. (20Marks 2014) (15Marks – 2011) (S.N – 1999)

* Do you think caste persists in contemporary India? Critically discuss. (15Marks 2014)

* Tribe Caste continuum (10Marks 2014)

* Discuss how Louis Dumont explained caste system.(10Marks – 2013)

* What is Jajmani system? Examine the views on Jajmani system as an egalitarian as well as exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline.(25Marks – 2013)

*Examine the criticisms on the concept of dominant caste.(15Marks – 2013)

* Critically examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in the Indian context. (30Marks – 2012)

*Gender and Customary Law. (10Marks – 2012)

* Gender and Caste. (10Marks – 2012)

* Critically examine the theories of Origin of Castes. (15Marks – 2011)

* Examine the role of the caste system in the present political context. (15 Marks — 2010)

*Is the present political System strengthening the caste system? Discuss. (15 Marks — 2010)

*Discuss the salient features of the prevalent hypotheses on the future of the caste system in India (30 Marks — 2009)

*Bring out the various features and the importance of the “Dominant Caste” Concept (20 Marks — 2009)

*Is Tribe-Caste Continuum a reality or myth? Discuss.(L.Q – 2008)

* Tribe Caste continuum. (S.N – 2004)

*Jajmani System (S.N – 2007) (S.N – 1998)

*Caste as a pattern of social stratification (S.N – 2003) (L.Q. 1989)

*Define the Jajmani system. Analyze the changes in the relationship between caste and occupation in contemporary Rural Society (LQ- 2000)

* Significance of Varna and Caste (S.N – 1997) * Distinguish between Varna and Caste (S.N 1995)

* Caste bound occupations Vis-a-Vis Urban professions (S.N – 1993)

*Concept of caste as a hierarchical system based on the opposition between “pure and impure”. (S.N – 1991)

*Discuss the essential features of the caste system in India. Critically examine its role in the changing social context in contemporary times. (L.Q – 1990)

*Concept of purity and caste system (S.N – 1989)


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