Categories: CoreCurrent Affairs

4. Political organization and Social Control: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple societies.

4. Political organization and Social Control: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state; concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple societies.

Previous Questions:

* Differentiate between State and Stateless Societies. (10Marks 2014)

* Discuss the nature of Law and Justice in simple societies citing suitable examples. (20Marks 2014)

* Band and tribal societies (12Marks 2012)

* Chiefdom in tribal society (20 Marks — 2009)

* Discuss mechanisms of social control in simple societies citing suitable examples. (L.Q – 2007)

* Describe the evolution of Political Systems (L.Q – 2006)

* ‘Primitive Society is governed by the traditional customary law’. Do you agree with this statement? Explain. (L.Q – 1998)

* Differentiate between centralized political systems and stateless political Systems and state how law & justice are administered in stateless societies. (L.Q -1996)

* Differentiate between state & stateless political systems. Do you think that a stateless political system can function in modern societies? (L.Q-1994)

* Describe the means of social control in simpler societies and compare the legal system of simple and complex societies. (L.Q – 1993)

* Explain the meaning and scope of political anthropology. Describe how law and justice are maintained in simpler societies.(L.Q-1991)

Similar Questions – 

* Law & Justice in simple societies. (L.Q -1987)

* How is law administered in primitive societies? Give suitable examples. (L.Q – 1985)

* Explain the meaning & scope of political anthropology. Describe how law and order are being maintained in the so-called preliterate societies. (L.Q – 1989)



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