Categories: CoreCurrent Affairs

5. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico- religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).

5. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary, psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico- religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).

Previous Questions:

* How do you relate the concepts of ‘Sacred’ and ‘Profane’ in Durkheim’s theory of Religion with a focus on the role of Totem? (15Marks 2015)

* Totemism (10Marks 2013)

* Distinguish between religion, magic and science (20Marks 2013)

* Explain various Anthropological approaches to study Religion (30Marks 2011)

* How anthropologists define Religion? Describe various forms of religion with examples. (L.Q – 2007)

* Shamanism (S.N – 2007)

* “Witchcraft accusation is the result of strained interpersonal relations” – Explain (L.Q – 2005)

* Distinguish between magic and religion. Give suitable examples. (L.Q – 2004)

* Discuss some of the characteristic features of tribal religions in India and state how far they have changed in recent times. (L.Q – 1999)

* Witchcraft and Sorcery (S.N -1998)

* Why have religion and magic become stable features of a society?

What role do the religious functionaries play in simple and non-literate societies? (L.Q .1996)

* Discuss the role of totemism in primitive religion, according to Durkheim. (L.Q – 1994)

* Highlight the significance of religious practices in Tribal communities of India. (L.Q – 1993)

* Religion and Magic (S.N – 1992)

* What is religion? Discuss Tylor’s Theory of Origin of religion. —. (L.Q -1991)

* Describe the Origin of religion. Distinguish between religion and magic. (L.Q – 1990)

* What do you mean by Totemism? Discuss the role of totemism in the tribal life of India. (L.Q – 1989)

* Distinguish between religion and magic. Critically examine the different theories of religion and comment on their relevance today.(L.Q -1987)

* Differences between primitive religion and world religion (S.N -1986)

* How do you explain the origin and evolution of religion? How does religion continue to function in human society? (L.Q – 1985)



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