Question Papers

9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency – mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.

9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy-Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency – mutation, isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.

Previous Questions:

* Define Genetic polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples. (15Marks 2015)

Similar question –

* Genetic Polymorphism (15Marks 2011) (S.N -2006)

* What do you understand by Immunogenetics? Explain with suitable examples. (15Marks 2015)

* Discuss the factors affecting gene frequencies among human populations. (20Marks 2014)

*What do you understand by ‘Genetic Load’ in a population? How is it measured And what are the important factors that can influence it? (15Marks 2013)

* What are the genetic effects of Consanguinity? Give examples? (20Marks 2012)

* Conditions necessary for the operation of hardy – Weinberg law (15Marks 2011)

* What is Balanced Genetic Polymorphism? How is it maintained in a population? (30 Marks—2010)

* What is genetic load’ and what factors influence it? (30 Marks — 2009)

* Inbreeding (S.N – 2008)

* What do you understand by Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium? Discuss the factors that produce and redistribute variations. (L.Q – 2008)

* Problems of Inbreeding (S. N – 2005)

* Genetic polymorphism and selection (S.N – 2003)

* Describe the major causes of change in gene frequency of a population (L.Q – 2003)

* What are the statistical methods used in Physical Anthropology? (L.Q – 2001)

* Sampling methods (S.N -2001)

* Mutation (S.N – 1998)

* Discuss the concept of Mendelian Population’ and its application in the study of anthropogenetic variations in India. (L.Q – 1997)

* Discuss the concepts of balanced po1ymorphism & relaxed selection with special reference to malaria dependent polymorphism in Man. (S.N -1994)

* Inbreeding and cross breeding (S.N -1993)

* Is inbreeding different from consanguinity? Give an account of inbreeding studies in
India and comment on their social relevance. (L.Q – 1987)

* Discuss role of genetic drift, mutation and migration as the causes of variation. (L.Q -1985)



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