Structuralism (L’evi – Strauss and E. Leach)

7 years ago

Structuralism (L’evi – Strauss and E. Leach) Previous Questions: * What are the major criticisms of the theory of “Structuralism”…

* Critically examine the contribution of Levi-Strauss in providing a theoretical frame for the structural analysis of society. (L.Q -1986)

7 years ago

* Critically examine the contribution of Levi-Strauss in providing a theoretical frame for the structural analysis of society. (L.Q -1986)

* Edmond R. Leach (S.N – 1993)

7 years ago

* Edmond R. Leach (S.N - 1993)

* What are the major criticisms of the theory of “Structuralism” as propounded by Claude Levi—Strauss? (30 Marks — 2009)

7 years ago

* What are the major criticisms of the theory of “Structuralism” as propounded by Claude Levi—Strauss? (30 Marks — 2009)

* Write an essay on ‘Structure – function’ theory of Radcliffe – Brown. (L.Q -1986)

7 years ago

* Write an essay on ‘Structure - function’ theory of Radcliffe - Brown. (L.Q -1986)

* Examine Malinowski’s theory of needs and state its merits. (L.Q -1986)

7 years ago

* Examine Malinowski’s theory of needs and state its merits. (L.Q -1986)