Categories: KPSC FAQ

How should I plan my studies, how many subjects should I study each day? How many hours should I sit in a stretch? What time of the day should I study ?

( Note: Visit KAS 2015 FAQ page if you have any doubts.)

These are some of the common questions a KPSC aspirant will face :

  • How should I plan my studies ?
  • How many subjects should I study each day ?
  • How many hours should I sit in a stretch ?
  • What time of the day should I study ?

We’ve tried to address this in this post. However, one should be aware of the fact that there cannot be a one plan fits all when it comes to preparation. Make suitable modifications as per your need.


**Update** –

Follow any one of the timetable:


This is a very tricky part. Each student has a different study methodology, different timings when the study and when they sleep, so and so forth. What I mean to say is, there is no set rule. However, this is how we can break down our study time table:

  1. From the above list, we need to do Current Affairs and General Mental Ability (GMA) on a daily basis. Some of us might be good at Current Affairs, and others at GMA. Depending on your comfort level, wisely use 2 – 3 hours between the two.
  2. Then we will be left with 6 major subjects to finish. We have 50 days, dividing the number of days between 6 subjects, we will get around 8 days for each subject. You can use these 8 days according to your comfort.
    1. Every morning when you start fresh, ensure you revise what you’ve studied the previous day. This will benefit in two ways:
      1. Since you have very little time, it acts as one set revision,
      2. Repeated revisions ensure you do not forget the topic. (We will cover in detail how you can set an effective revision procedure).
  3. Apart the core part, you’ll be left with “Government Reports / Karnataka Economic Survey / Karnataka Hand book”. This you can contact us, and we can help you with all the compiled reports.

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