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UPSC 2015 Prelims Current Affairs Free Test Series – MCQ’s – Test 4

1. According to a study undertaken by Indian Institute of Science (IISc) regarding status of women scientists when compared to their male counterparts :

  1. Nearly 50 % of women left research due to family commitments but was only 13% among men.
  2. Unlike European Union, data deficiency on women in science/research has led to lack of policy to end gender gap in research institutions.

Select the ans:

  1. 1) Only
  2. 2) Only
  3. Both
  4. None


2. The Bangalore City Police have launched ‘Operation Area Domination’ to

  1. Overcome traffic snarls and ensure smooth traffic movements.
  2. Flush out antisocial elements in preventing Crimes.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


3. The Government of Karnataka conferred the Pampa Award 2015 on

  1. Venkatasubbiah
  2. V.Gundappa
  3. Srikanth
  4. Siddalingaih


4. Recently Supreme Court (SC) gave a judgement on the expenditure of election contestants:

  1. Non disclosure of educational background of Candidates amounts to misleading voters.
  2. The election can be declared void and null under sec 100 (1)(b) of Representation of People Act (RPA) for such non disclosure.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


5. The 2015 edition of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in :

  1. Abu Dhabi
  2. London
  3. Paris
  4. California


6. Consider the following about Pampa Awards :

  1. It is the second highest literary award conferred by Karnataka Government for contribution towards Kannada Literature.
  2. The award carries a prize of 3 lakh and a citation.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


7. Match the following

A                                                                                                       B

1> Global Positioning System (GPS)                                                                1> India

2>Compass                                                                                                            2> Russia

3>IRNSS                                                                                                                 3> China

4>Glonas                                                                                                                 4> USA


Select the ans:

  1. 1-2,2-1,3-2,4-4
  2. 1-4,2-3,3-1,4-2
  3. 1-3,2-1,3-2,4-4
  4. 1-4,2-1,3-3,4-2


8. The Government is contemplating ‘National Deworming Initiative’. Consider the following :

  1. Nearly 70% in 1-14 year age group in India are at risk of soil transmitted helminths (parasitic worms)
  2. The Health Ministry will provide Albendazole tablet to all school children to deworm them and inform their overall health and nutrition status.
  3. Workers in Anganwadi will provide medicine to 1-5 year old kids out of school children and adolescents

Select the ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 2,3
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


9. Consider the following about Ukraine :

  1. Hryvnia is the currency of Ukraine
  2. Ukraine was formerly under Russia, but now is an independent nation.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


10. Net Neutrality is

  1. All users using the internet neutrally among themselves
  2. All service providers providing internet services to all users alike
  3. Using the internet for peaceful purposes
  4. None of the above


11. Consider the role of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)

  1. CVC is a Constitutional body
  2. CVC supervises the overall investigations of the CBI ( Central Bureau of Investigation)

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


12. Consider the following regarding Delhi:

  1. Delhi has been designated ‘National Capital Territory’ by the 65th Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA).
  2. Delhi can have its own Council of ministers (CoM) to be appointed by the Governor.
  3. Parliament has overriding powers over state legislative laws.
  4. Public order is not the state responsibility, but that of Union Home Ministry.
  5. The 74th CAA doesn’t apply to Delhi.

Select the ans:

  1. 1,3,5
  2. 3,4
  3. 1,2,4
  4. 1,3,4,5


13. Balachandra Namade was recently given the Jnanpith Award for 2014.He specialises in

  1. Bengali
  2. Kannada
  3. Marathi
  4. Malayalam


14. Consider the following about NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog :

  1. NITI Aayog replaces the National Development Council(NDC)
  2. It includes only Government functionaries.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


15. The Ukrainian President who was newly elected

  1. Lavrov
  2. Petro Poroshenk
  3. Sergey Bubka
  4. Gurbhanguli


16. Consider the following regarding the draft National Mission on Small Hydropower :

  1. It will be initiative of the Centre alone
  2. It envisages providing 24*7 power to all
  3. It is purely a public sector initiative.

Select the ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 2 only
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


17. The WHO tagline for World Cancer Day 2015 is

  1. Not Beyond us
  2. Never Beyond us
  3. Beyond us
  4. None of the Above


18. The MGNREGS envisages providing employment to

  1. All men / women willing to work
  2. Below poverty line(BPL) people
  3. Above poverty line(APL) people
  4. Only handicapped people


19. Consider the following about AGNI series of missiles :

  1. AGNI I has a range of 750 km
  2. AGNI II has a range of 2500km
  3. AGNI I & II can carry a payload of 1000 kg each

Select the ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 2,3
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


20. Consider the role of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAGI).

  1. CAGI can audit accounts of the Centre and States.
  2. CAGI is answerable to the Government of India

Select the ans:

  1. 1) Only
  2. 2) Only
  3. Both
  4. None


21. Consider the following about the CAGI :

  1. Unlike the British Counterpart, CAGI only performs the role of auditor general and not comptroller.
  2. The tenure of a CAGI is 5 years or 65 yrs whichever is early.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


22. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has been contemplating changing rules of the game for the World Cup 2015 , some of them are :

  1. 2 new balls will be used with one new ball from each end at the start of the innings.
  2. Enlarging the boundary limits to 90 meters
  3. Only 5 players will be allowed outside the inner circle at any stage of an ODI game.

Select the ans:

  1. 3) Only
  2. 1,2
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


23. Consider the following about Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) :

  1. India is a permanent member where as Pakistan is an observer
  2. SCO plans to play a greater role in Afghanistan stability post NATO withdrawal

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


24. Consider the following about Nuclear Liability and Damages Law 2010 :

  1. Provides Compensation for all disasters to the Victims
  2. It envisages establishing a Nuclear Damage Claims Commission to oversee the same
  3. Fixes the responsibility on plant equipment supplier only.

Select the ans:

  1. 1,3
  2. 1,2
  3. 2,3
  4. 2) Only


25. Consider the following about NITI Aayog :

  1. It consists of a Governing Council consisting of all Chief Ministers only.
  2. Regional Councils will be formed on a permanent basis to address specific regional issues

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


26. The order of the state with highest registered foreign companies are:

  1. Karnataka (1) – Maharashtra (2) – Gujarat (3)
  2. Gujarat (1) – Karnataka (2) – Maharashtra (3)
  3. Delhi (1) – Maharashtra (2) – Karnataka (3)
  4. Tamil Nadu (1) – Gujarat (2) – Delhi (3)


27. Consider the following regarding the Civil Nuclear Liability Law of India :

  1. An initial insurance pool of Rs 2000 crore will be setup as a ‘risk transfer mechanism’
  2. An operator could be a supplier too if it provided design and specification to vendors.

Select the ans:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


28. Consider the following regarding Indian defence:

  1. India is the world’s largest arms exporter.
  2. India has a strong domestic base for defence industry
  3. India is the world’s largest arms importer
  4. India has a weak domestic defence industrial base.

Select the ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 1,4
  3. 3,4
  4. 2,3


29. Consider the following about National Green Tribunal (NGT):

  1. It is the highest tribunal to deal with environmental matters and appeal against its decision lies with Supreme Court (SC).
  2. It is mandated to look into and decide cases within a period of 6 months.

Select the nas:

  1. 1> Only
  2. 2> Only
  3. Both
  4. None


30. Consider the following about our ancient scientific achievements :

  1. Modern Arabic numerals originated in India
  2. The decimal place value numeral system evolved in India around 3rd or 4th Century AD.
  3. Aryabhatta envisaged mathematical infinity
  4. Brahmagupta conceived earth as a rotating sphere in space

Select the ans:

  1. 1,2*
  2. 2,3
  3. 1,2,3
  4. 1,3,4



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