3. Economic organization: Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology; Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture; globalization and indigenous economic systems.
Previous Questions:
* Discuss the impact of globalization on tribal economy (20Marks 2013)
* Differentiate between Economics and Economic Anthropology (10Marks 2013)
* Discuss different modes of Exchanges in simple societies with examples (30Marks 2011)
* Critically examine the debate between Formalists & Substantivists (30Marks 2011)
* Ceremonial Exchange (S.N – 2004)
* Define market. Discuss the nature and role of markets in tribal communities. (L.Q -1992)
* Discuss the meaning & scope of ‘economic anthropology’. (L.Q – 1990)
* Discuss the role of reciprocity & redistribution in tribal economy with examples. (L.Q – 1988)
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