7.3 The concept of ethnicity;
- Ethnic conflicts and political developments;
- Unrest among tribal communities;
- Regionalism and demand for autonomy;
- Pseudo-tribalism;
- Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India.
Previous Questions:
* Rights over resources and Tribal unrest (10Marks 2015)
* Discuss the rise of ethno nationalism among Indian tribes with specific example. (15Marks 2014)
* What are the significant factors responsible for tribal unrest? (15Marks 2014)
* Ethnic movements in India. (10Marks – 2013)
* Tribal unrest in Central India (20 Marks — 2009)
* Concept of Ethnicity (S.N – 2008)
* Critically review Tana Bhagat Movement) its causes and effects. (L.Q – 2006)
* Discuss the features affecting ethnic boundaries”, giving Indian examples. (L.Q – 2006)
* Discuss the relationship of ethnicity and nation-state. (L.Q – 2005)
* Detribalization (S.N – 2004) (S.N – 2001)
* Ethnic conflict (S.N – 2004)
* Identify the causes and consequences of major tribal movements in India. (L.Q – 2003)
* Ethnic Boundaries (S.N – 2000)
* Tribal movements – pros and cons (S.N – 1994)
* Racial elements among STs in India (S.N – 1988)
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