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UPSC 2015 Prelims Current Affairs Free Test Series – MCQ’s – Test 7

1. Consider the following regarding Western Ghats –

  1. The Gadgil Panel recommended making nearly 97% of Western Ghats as Ecologically sensitive Area (ESA)
  2. The Kasturirangan Panel recommended making 37% of Western Ghats as ESA

Select the correct ans;

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


2. Consider the following regarding IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature):

  1. The IUCN is majority sponsored by USA
  2. The Red Data book enlists all vulnerable and endangered flora/fauna across the tropical regions only.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


3. The Election Commission of India (ECI) has embarked in a ERPAD ( Electoral Role Purification and Authentication Drive). Accordingly –

  1. It is a drive to link Aadhar nos with electoral roles to weed out multiple voter cards
  2. It will be launched on a pilot basis in few districts initially.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


4. Consider the following about CERT – In (Computer Emergency Response Team):

  1. It is the national incidence response centre for major computer security incidents
  2. It raises awareness and provides technical assistance for recovering from Cyber attacks.
  3. It works under Union Cabinet Secretary.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 2,3
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


5. Consider the following regarding Indo-Israel bilateral relations:

  1. Both established diplomatic relations in 1972 after decades of India pursuing pro Palestine stand
  2. Israel is India’s largest arms supplier ahead of Russia and USA

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


6. India recently signed a civil nuclear deal with one of its neighbour. The neighbouring nation is:

  1. Myanmar
  2. Bhutan
  3. Nepal
  4. Sri lanka


7. The Indian who was recently made CEO of US based accounting giant Deliotte is

  1. Anand Mahindra
  2. Punit Renjan
  3. Ravi Pandit
  4. Harsh Goenka


8. The World’s largest solar power plant (750 mw) is being built in India at

  1. Rajasthan
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Gujarat
  4. Haryana


9. Consider the following about AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act):

  1. It allows for shooting/firing by an officer on mere suspicion apart from search and seizing Powers
  2. Many Commissions have recommended its continuation including the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


10. Nearly 10 states have been recently affected by the Swine flu (H1N1) menace. The vulnerable groups are :

  1. Babies, youngsters, pregnant women
  2. Youngsters, old aged, babies
  3. Babies, old aged, pregnant women
  4. Old aged, youngsters, pregnant women


11. The 13th Amendment signed between India and Sri Lanka envisages

  1. Establishing Indian industries on eastern part of Sri Lanka
  2. Preventing militarisation of Sri Lanka
  3. Providing autonomy to Tamils in northern Sri Lanka
  4. Preventing arrests of Indian fishermen venturing into Sri Lankan waters.


12. The justice Jeevan Reddy Commission is associated with

  1. Looking into Anti Sikh riots of 1984
  2. Looking into feasibility of AFSPA
  3. Looking into 2014 terror attacks
  4. Looking into encounter killings


13. The highest revenue forgone by the Government of every year is due to:

  1. Subsidies
  2. Tax breaks
  3. None of them


14. Consider the following about Defence:

  1. The OROP (One Rank One Pension) envisages uniform pensions to personnel retiring in same rank with same length of service, irrespective of date of retirement.
  2. The armed forces are the first line of defence and hence their pay and pensions must be motivational and inspirational.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


15. The Project 75 i corresponds to:

  1. Building Russian sponsored nuclear reactors
  2. Buying aircraft carrier from USA
  3. Buying submarines from France
  4. Sending humans to the moon by ISRO


16. India and Sri Lanka recently signed a Nuclear deal. Accordingly:

  1. There will be transfer of knowledge and expertise, capacity building and training of personnel .
  2. Envisages peaceful use of nuclear energy.
  3. It excludes disaster mitigation and environmental protection.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1,2
  2. 2,3
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,2,3


17. The constitution envisages Right to Religion in which of these articles?

  1. Art 19 – 22
  2. Art 25 – 28
  3. Art 26 – 30
  4. Art 24 – 27


18. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has recently released its report on World Cereal Production:

  1. The global cereal production has decreased during the past year.
  2. There is decreasing demand from growing economies

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 Only
  2. 2 Only
  3. Both
  4. None


19. There is a raging fight going on in Myanmar for entrust control over Laukkai town between the Government forces and

  1. Rohingyas
  2. Kokang Rebels
  3. Hans
  4. None of the above


20. Geoenginearing is recently in news. Which among these isn’t a part of it?

  1. Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  2. Inducing space dust
  3. Increasing earth’s reflectivity
  4. Ploughing land


21. The submarine whose periscope was recently damaged by a fishing boat is

  1. INS Sindhuratna
  2. INS Sindhughosh
  3. INS Arihant
  4. INS Sagar Sampada


22. The first Indian State which recently presented a completely paperless budget is:

  1. Gujarat
  2. Karnataka
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Andhra Pradesh


23. Consider the following regarding AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act). Which are/is not true?

  1. The Disturbed Areas Act (DAA) comes into force on the recommendations of the state Government after which AFSPA is imposed by the Centre.
  2. The Centre can unilaterally declare an area as disturbed and impose AFSPA.
  3. APSPA provides certain privileges and immunities to the Army
  4. None of the above


24. The Article in our constitution which provides special status to Jammu and Kashmir is

  1. Art 368
  2. Art 370
  3. Art 375
  4. Art 249


25. The first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell is:

  1. Dolly the sheep
  2. Samrup the buffalo
  3. Nippu the dog
  4. None of the above


26. ‘Right to Religion’ envisaged in our Constitution envisages

  1. Preach, propagate, Convert
  2. Preach, practise, propagate
  3. Practise, propagate, convert
  4. Preach, practise, convert


27. Consider the following regarding Brahmos Missile

  1. It is an Indo – US initiative (joint)
  2. It is a subsonic missile with a striking range of 240 km.

Select the correct code

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


28. Yettinahole project in Karnataka is a

  1. Command Area Development project
  2. Drinking Water project
  3. Nuclear plant being setup
  4. None of the above


29. Consider the following regarding National Food Security Act(NFSA) :

  1. 7 kg is provided per person per month for the poor people
  2. Rice, wheat and coarse grains are provided at Rs 3, 2 and 1 only

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


30. Consider the ‘Make in India’ programme

  1. It envisages time bound clearances of projects through single online portal
  2. An 8 members team will answer investor queries within 3 days.

Select the correct ans:

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None


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