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UPSC 2015 Prelims Current Affairs Free Test Series – MCQ’s – Test 8

1. The official largest Gold holder after USA is

  1. China
  2. India
  3. Germany
  4. IMF (International Monetary Fund)

Order of highest Gold reserves:

  1. USA
  2. Germany
  3. IMF
  4. India is in 11th position


2. Consider the following

  1. India is the 11th largest Gold holding nation
  2. IMF (International Monetary Fund) holds the largest Gold reserves after USA.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


3. Consider the following

  1. As per the ‘Global E-Waste Monitor 2014’ compiled by UN, India is fifth largest e-waste generator in the world.
  2. US, China, Japan and Germany are the top four e-waste generator in that order.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


4. Consider the following

  1. As per ‘Global E-waste Monitor 2014’, report compiled by UN, the e-waste generated by India is nearly as much as that generated in entire African Continent.
  2. China is the highest per capita producer

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


5. E-Waste contains which of these hazardous materials

  1. Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Mercury, Uranium
  2. Arsenic, Strontium, Selenium, Mercury,
  3. Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Mercury, Selenium
  4. Selenium, Strontium, Cadmium, Uranium


6. Consider the following

  1. Japan recently tested the world’s fastest train by breaching the 600 km/hour barrier.
  2. The train is based on advance bullet train technology.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


7. Consider the following

  1. Data on Central Government’s tax revenue shows that from 1990 – 91 to 2009 – 10, the share of direct taxes in total tax revenues witnessed steady increase.
  2. Since 2009-10, the above share has been declining largely due to service tax emerging as a major source of revenue.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


8. The SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon) is a space project envisaged by which country?

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Japan
  4. UK


9. The largest Harappan (Indus Valley) sited is

  1. Dholavira
  2. Lothal
  3. Rakhigarhi
  4. Kalibangan


10. Which of these aren’t true regarding the Indus valley Civilisation?

  1. Female had a higher social standing than males
  2. Vedic tenets were strictly followed for burial of dead.
  3. Rakhigarhi in Haryana is the largest Harappan site spanning nearly 350 hectares area.
  4. There were no sporadic remains of bones of cattle and sheep next to decreased


11. Japan recently tested a train which ran at speeds exceeding 600 km/h based on

  1. Maglev technology
  2. Bullet train technology
  3. Both the above
  4. None of the above


12. Consider the following

  1. During the recent ASI excavation at Lothal, it was found that female deceased were offered more than double number of earthen ware as compared to opposite sex at the burials.
  2. People of India strictly followed the Vedic tenets to cremate the dead

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


13. The Bibek Debroy committee has been setup to look into

  1. Restructure Railways
  2. Privatise Railways
  3. Deregulate oil/gas pricing
  4. Feasibility of implementing GST (Goods and Service Tax)


14. The world’s nuclear warheads have dropped dramatically. The country with largest such weapons after USA and Russia is

  1. China
  2. France
  3. UK
  4. Pakistan


15. The largest defence importers after India is:

  1. Pakistan
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Brazil
  4. Israel


16. Consider the following

  1. The gross enrolment ratio (GER) for higher education is presently 21%
  2. The RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Siksha Abhiyan) envisages increasing GER to 32% by 2020.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


17. Consider the following

  1. The juvenile justice Act will be changed to allow trials of juveniles aged 16-18, accused of heinous crimes, as adults under IPC (Indian Penal Code)
  2. The courts will decide whether an accused juvenile ought to be treated as an adult or child.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


18. Consider the following

  1. The Centre can unilaterally decide to setup a Tiger Reserve in states if it is satisfied
  2. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has to approve the proposal before declaring any area as a tiger reserve.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


19. ‘El-Nino’ refers to

  1. Warming of sea surface temperature in Atlantic Ocean
  2. Warming sea surface temperature in Pacific Ocean
  3. Cooling of sea surface temperature in Atlantic Ocean
  4. Cooling of sea surface temperature in Pacific Ocean


20. Consider the following

  1. El-Nino
  2. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) between north Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
  3. SST in equatorial south Indian Ocean
  4. Warm sea level pressures around East Asia.
  5. Land and surface air temperature in North West Europe and equatorial Pacific warm waters.

Which are the factors/indicators are used for making south west monsoon forecast?

  1. a b c d
  2. b c d e
  3. a b d e
  4. a b c d e


21. Which of these are not true regarding juvenile

  1. Juvenile jurisprudence is governed by Child Labour (Prevention) Act.
  2. Juvenile Justice Boards will take final Call in sensitive matters regarding grouping/presenting them as juvenile or adults
  3. The Government plans to try juvenile in 16-18 years group as adults under IPC for serious crimes.
  4. Juvenile Justice Board is headed by a High Court Judge.


22. Consider the following

  1. The Met defines average or normal rainfall as between 96% and 104% of a 50 year average of 89 cm for entire 4 month season.
  2. El Nino Modoki are observed on the Atlantic Ocean.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


23. The first Indian football player to play a competitive match for the senior side of a first division European side is

  1. Sunil Chetri
  2. Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
  3. Navjot Singh Sidhu
  4. Baichung Bhutia


24. The military unit which recently completed 200 years of its formation/existence is

  1. Assam Rifles
  2. Gorkha Rifles
  3. Border Security Force (BSF)
  4. Crown Representative Police or CRPF (now)


25. The state in India with highest Agricultural dependence of 33% as a proportion of state GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. Rajasthan


26. The Indian state with highest Agricultural dependence after Madhya Pradesh is:

  1. Gujarat
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Uttar Pradesh


27. Consider the following

  1. Foreign sector banks with 20 or less branches are not subject to 40% Priority Sector Lending (PSL) obligations
  2. Loans extended to Solar power and Biomass based generators come under the PSL obligations.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. Both
  4. None


28. Consider the following

  1. India’s service exports are estimated at below $ 150 billion accounting for less than 50% of annual merchandise exports
  2. IT and IT enabled services contribute a large part of these exports.

Select the correct ans:

  1. a) only
  2. b) only
  3. Both
  4. None


29. This personality was the first Prime Minister of pre independence undivided Assam who later became a Chief Minister. Who is he?

  1. Kanakrata Barera
  2. Gopinath Bordoloi
  3. Tirot Singh
  4. Nangoninza Sangma


30. The freedom fighter who designed the tri colour for India is:

  1. Mohd Iqbal
  2. Sardar Patel
  3. Bankim Chandra Chatterji
  4. Pingali Venkayya.


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